

Abby Levin

-Cohort 6 Junior Counselor, Cohort 4 Fellow

My name is Abby Levin. I went to Dr. Michael M Krop Senior High School, and now I am studying Engineering at the University of Michigan. I was a fellow in Diller Miami Cohort 4, and a JC for Cohort 6. At Michigan, I am involved with Hillel and I serve on the board of Challah for Hunger.



During my sophomore year of high school, I was a fellow in Cohort 4.  My year as a fellow helped me identify why being Jewish was so important to me; I discovered which aspects of my Jewish Identity defined me. I learned valuable leadership skills, which taught me when I should step up as a leader, and when I should take a step back. I was blown away by the pluralistic environment that existed within the Miami cohort itself, but on a much bigger scale in global Diller community. I came to really appreciate differences and learned to find positivity and strength in diversity of both identity and ideas. My senior year, I was a Junior Counselor for Cohort 6, and I loved leading the fellows through their own Diller journeys. As a JC, I continued to strengthen my leadership skills, and made such great friendships with the other JCs from around the world. I am eternally grateful for my time with the Diller Teen Fellows and for the relationships I have with the people that Diller brought into my life!