
1. What is the commitment? How long does it last and what exactly does it entail?

The Diller Teen Fellows is a year-long program that typically runs from late August through early September. Throughout the program, the Cohort meets approximately once a month. There are two Shabbatonim (Weekend Retreats), one in the Fall and one in the Winter. In the Spring, there is a seminar called the Jewish Communities Mifgash (JCM), which is usually a 10-day peer exchange in which Diller teens from Miami's partner city of Yerucham visit Miami, which includes a third Shabbaton (Weekend Retreat). Lastly, the Israel Summer Seminar is a three week journey exploring Israel and World Jewry.

The Diller Miami Staff creates the program calendar considering standardized testing dates (SAT,ACT), the Miami-Dade Public Schools calendar, Jewish and National holidays, and major community events to prioritize and fit our participants obligations and time.

2. Is anyone in Diller willing to write letters of recommendation for college?

The Diller Teen Fellows program is committed to the growth and success its alumni beyond the fellowship year. The staff has written recommendations for schools, scholarships, as well as other programs, and is happy to support their future endeavors.

3. What if I can’t afford $4300?

The program is funded by the Helen Diller Family Foundation, a supporting Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund of San Francisco, The Center for Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE), and the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. Each Fellow receives an estimated subsidy of $10,000, resulting in a cost of $4,300.00 to the participant, which includes the flight to Israel, touring of Israel, and the entire year of the program. A $500 deposit is required by each fellow to participate in the program. Need based scholarships are available to families for additional support, and the application process is need-blind.

4. Do you accommodate observant teens?

The Diller Teen Fellows is a pluralistic program that accommodates all Jewish practices. At our gatherings, food is always Kosher and we observe Shabbat together as a group.

5. What is the benefit for my child in participating in this program?

The Diller Teen Fellows program is known all over the world, and is regarded for leadership development and social action. Program alumni gain tools and experiences that will help them succeed and grow. Fellows are able to connect with a global network of peers. They are able to identify and address needs in their communities, and can step up as leaders to make a difference and repair the world.

The Diller Teen Fellows International Network team also provides support and opportunities to all program alumni, including grant opportunities, internships, networking, and more! You can learn more about the Diller Network Department HERE!

6. What is the ultimate goal of the program? What do you want to achieve with the participants?

Diller Teen Fellows empowers teens from across the globe to become activated leaders of Tikkun Olam. This emerging generation of international Jewish leaders gain the tools to serve as a force of good throughout their lifetimes.

7. Once they graduate from the program, how can the participants continue on with community service projects? Does the program help them find community needs?

Through their Diller fellowship, teens are able to identify needs in the community, and begin to create projects/initiatives to support those needs. With support from program staff, CAJE and GMJF, and community leaders, teens are supported in the continuation of their impact projects. Additionally, Diller Teen Fellows International offers the Alumni Impact Micro-Grant Program; an initiative providing an opportunity for 5,000 Diller Teen Fellows Alumni around the globe to put their talents, skills and passions into action. It is designed for alumni to receive funding for their ideas that serve the larger communities in which they reside.

Local and International staff are ready to provide resources that empower alumni to continue impact initiatives beyond their participation in the program.

9. What is the boy/girl ratio? Do you try to pick out evenly?

We strive to assemble to most well-rounded group of teens in every cohort, providing encounters enriched by diverse perspectives and experiences. This philosophy extends to Jewish Identity, schools, synagogues, heritage, and more!

10. How do I know if Diller is the right fit for my Teen?

Diller Fellows come from different backgrounds but are joined together by the desire to: 

  • Make friendships that will last a lifetime 

  • Gain significant leadership skills 

  • Question, search and expand insights into Jewish identity and unity 

  • Experience a cultural exchange with Israeli teens (during a three-week Israel Seminar and 10-day Miami Mifgash (encounter)) 

  • Create and lead others in service learning projects 

  • Learn and grow during a transformative experience 

If you share these desires then the Fellowship may be for your teen! 

The application and assessment center (group interview) process is also a great way to determine if the program is the right fit for each teen. Through the assessment center, applicants are able to experience Diller style programming and can decide if the program is right for them.

11. What kind of Teen is successful in the Diller program?

All kinds of teens can be successful in the Diller Fellowship. The Cohorts benefit from diversity of individuals, in their backgrounds, interests, Jewish practice, and more. The program is created to fit the specific group of teens. Program content focuses on experimental education that embraces the difference between teens to foster a safe and productive learning environment.

12. How do I choose between Diller AND OTHER PROGRAM OPPORTUNITIES?

For answers from our current participants and alumni, check out our WhyDiller? features! Our staff is also happy to connect you with a current or past participant (or parent) to ask more specific questions!

13. What are the differences between Diller and other program options?

Diller Teen Fellows is unique in many ways. Highlights include:

  • At its core, Diller is an International program. Participants have the opportunity to connect with and learn from Jewish peers from 31 communities around the globe.

  • Diller Teen Fellows was founded to foster personal, meaningful, and lasting connections with not only the land of Israel, but with Israeli peers. Participants leave the program knowing that they will always have a second family in Israel, which is a very special experience.

  • Participants experience an engaging and challenging program, helping them explore their own identities, support their peers’ growth, and discover ways they can make impact in their communities and the world.